a love letter to my cerebellum

cer·e·bel·lum [ser-uh-bel-uhm]

1. a large portion of the brain, serving to coordinate voluntary movements, posture, and balance in humans

2. a structure central to survival as one scales rocky seaside boulders facing a thrashing Pacific Northwest in Oregon

Happy Valentines Day!

Neuroscientists, Philosophers, and Buddhist Monks on Happiness

“Any span of time in which joy would seem immediately possible.”  –Andre Comte-Sponville

“For some, happiness is just a momentary, fleeting impression, whose intensity and duration vary according to the availability of the resources that make it possible.”  —Mathieu Riccard

“The radiation of joy over one’s entire existence or over the most vibrant part of one’s active past, one’s actual present, and one’s conceivable future.”  –Robert Misrahi


I went to New York City recently and took this at Grand Central Terminal. I like how you can tell who’s in a rush… also, cute old people in the foreground! I owe this shot to Time Magazine’s ‘Shoot it Like a Pro’ guide to NYC – I look through this before I go anywhere to see their takes 🙂

Nerdy sidenote, for the ‘neurons’ part of this blog – MT/MST, anyone?